Choose The Plan That Fits Your Needs


Our forever free plan. Great for individuals and students getting started.
Analytical insights
$0 USD/month
  • Single user
  • 10 models
  • 10 datasets
  • 10,000 row limit*
  • G2M Cloud engine
  • Unlimited predictions
  • Python & Powerpoint exports
  • SOC 2 Type 2 compliant


No-code machine learning for small teams of business analysts.
analytical insights
$499 USD/month
  • Up to 5 users
  • Unlimited models
  • Unlimited datasets
  • 200,000 row limit*
  • G2M Cloud engine
  • Unlimited predictions
  • Python & Powerpoint exports
  • Shared workspace
  • Production-ready models
  • Access to REST API
  • SOC 2 Type 2 compliant


Single-tenant deployment for enterprise-grade machine learning.
Team work
Let's Talk -
  • Unlimited users†
  • Unlimited models
  • Unlimited datasets
  • Scale to unlimited data†
  • Dedicated cloud resources
  • Unlimited predictions
  • Python & Powerpoint exports
  • Shared workspace
  • Production-ready models
  • Access to REST API
  • API SLAs
  • SAML/SSO integration
  • Flexible deployment††
  • Priority support
  • Professional services
  • SOC 2 Type 2 compliant

Free 30-day trial limited to 10 models and 10 datasets. No credit card required. Trial users are enrolled in the same trial regardless of free or premium status. Only one trial allowed per user. Users must provide a valid commercial, educational, or government email address. Free email provider domains are not allowed to participate. G2M reserves the right to throttle the use of cloud resources in its sole discretion to prevent abuse by any user.

* Per dataset per model
† Within scope of license per terms and conditions
†† Enterprise tier can be deployed in managed G2M Cloud, or customer cloud resources, or on customer premises