
Our customers trust us with sensitive data, and we take that role seriously


We ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data over its lifecycle



We protect your data from unauthorized access


We maintain reliable access to your data and services when you need them


At G2M Insights, we understand that trust is the cornerstone of our relationships with clients. Ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your data is our highest priority. Our security program is built on industry best practices and a proactive approach to threat management.


G2M Insights is SOC 2 Type II compliant, a recognized gold standard for data security in the industry. This compliance certifies that we have undergone a rigorous examination of our internal controls, security protocols, and data handling processes. It ensures that we meet the stringent SOC 2 requirements for data security and privacy, including ongoing testing and monitoring of our systems, regular risk assessments, and comprehensive audits to maintain the highest level of protection for our clients’ data.


Our employees undergo regular security awareness training to stay current with the latest threats and best practices. This ensures that everyone at G2M Insights is equipped to contribute to our security posture.


To validate our security practices, we undergo regular third-party audits and assessments. These independent reviews help us identify areas for improvement and ensure that we maintain compliance with industry standards.